Team Technician Course

your shop will never reach it's potential unless all your employees understand where you want your business to go and what’s in it for them. Improve efficiency and performance by asking the em-ployees how to do it; listen to their ideas and implement their solutions. Set incentives so every employee will earn more money without working longer or harder. Wage increases come from increased profit. A 5% increase in efficiency increases profit by over $1,000 per month per technician.

Owner must have completed a 2 day Financial Management For The Auto Repair Business class or attend this class with your employees. (3 hours) CAUTION...THIS CLASS PRODUCES IMMEDIATE RESULTS.

Who Should Attend: 
All shop employees including technicians, service managers, support staff and owner. Employees learn THE LABOR FACTORY, ™ how it affects them, and the value of support staff and teamwork.  Emphasis is on working smarter...not harder. 

Employees will understand a basic income statement so that they can see where the money comes from and where it goes. With knowledge of income and expenses, they can see how their performance (or lack of it) has a direct impact on the company’s prosperity and their own future. 

The Labor Factory:
The very essence of a repair shop’s business. A 5% increase in TECH EFFICIENCY will add over $1,000 per month per technician. This class will show where to focus and how to achieve.

Work Smarter...Not Harder:
Learn the cost per minute of operating a repair facility and identify time rob-bers that cost everyone money. We use every day examples such as the cost of being on the “tool truck”. The   cost of “come backs”...”personal phone calls” texting etc.

The Second Half:
is devoted to group breakout sessions with fellow technicians followed by open class
discussion. Owners will be asked to leave the room during break out sessions to allow their employees to discuss problems  and  solutions  in private. Technicians are asked to list the ways they can become 5% more efficient as well as the causes of being inefficient.  After the break-out sessions, owners are invited back into the room to listen to their employees suggested solutions. Owners take notes and implement ideas that are appropriate.  Employees and owners go back to their shops with a plan for improving their personal income through increases in company profits. THIS CLASS PRODUCES IMMEDIATE RESULTS!

Vehicles are changing; electronic vehicles use fewer parts per driven mile so the money must be made up in labor just as carpenters, electricians and plumbers do.  

Contact:   Your NAPA Store Owner or Sales Representative
CALL        617.901.0243  On-Line At: